We must vote for those candidates of any party that reflect these values: hard work, self-determination, smaller government, fiscal responsibility and honesty. Look to the character of anyone you chose to support. Their past does matter if they haven't learned from it. Their personal life is as relevant as their public one. We must be able to trust those who will be advising and leading us on what our country must do next. -Glenn Beck

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Marxism at it's finest

Here is Barack Obama explaining to a plumber that we need to spread the wealth around. If you want to listen to the whole interview it is here (so I'm not accused for taking things out of context).

Now you see who Barack Obama's tax plan will hurt? This isn't some hoity toity driving a beamer this is a run of the mill plumber that works hard to earn his money.
Redistribution of wealth is wrong ask my 7 year old daughter, even she said it's not fair. She get's it why can't Barack Obama get it.

PS I know I told Bethany I wasn't going to post here anymore cause I decided who I am voting for & it is not McCain, but I really wanted to post this here & she so graciously didn't revoke my author privileges.

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