Now, I want to start this post by saying I try really hard not to be a one issue sort of person I try to look at all the issues or a lot of them at least. One thing that I have seen in this election is that Barack Obama & the Democrats in general have left gun control alone. They know it is a hot button for a lot of people & their stance is not always favorable in a lot of Americans' eyes. This was in response to an email my sister sent me here was her question:
Jay,......I know that you are against gun control, but what exactly does that mean? Do you think anyone should have access to any guns at any time? To me that's what no gun control would be. So, I'm just curious what it means to you.
And my response with a little bit of editing:
I am not against gun control I don't think everyone should have guns. I think some of our current laws are ok, there are some that I don't agree with, but they don't impose too much. I am perfectly fine with felons not being aloud to own firearms especially those w/violent pasts. I am ok with it being harder to get fully automatic firearms "machine guns" but not necessarily suppressors(silencers). I am ok with not being aloud to carry onto airplanes & in other secured areas. I don't like that I can't carry into whatever state in the union I want to. California honors my drivers license why not my concealed permit. I believe a lot more people die in car wrecks than by guns. But I couldn't find anything to support that fact so it is opinion for now. This is long sorry.
I will address each point here from:
* Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008) I think states should be allowed to determine some gun laws, my biggest problem w/cities being able to determine gun laws is I have to learn every cities individual gun laws. For example: Kaysville may ban me from carrying concealed in my car whereas Layton doesn't so before I go into Kaysville I have to stop my car unload my gun & put it in my trunk. Plus I have to memorize every city's gun laws in the state of Utah (that I may pass through).
* FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008) Gun bans don't work; Australia England & Canada have proven that for us. Criminals continue to get guns even though they have banned them.
* Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008) same as above
* Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008) I don't like gun licensing for the fact that I don't think the government needs to know where every gun in the country is. I don't see how that would help. A criminal is not going to register his firearms. This is the problem w/all guns laws criminals do not obey them.
* 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007) This is just one of those feel good laws that doesn't do any good.
* Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007) I don't have enough info on this to really comment on this I don't know if it means only retired police or what. I am all for retired policeman being able to protect themselves though as long as he isn't talking about them as the only people allowed to carry.
* Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007) Again don't know much about this I don't mind gun dealers being checked on, but right now the batfe (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms) is abusing it's power & needs to be reigned in there are quite a few examples of them raiding dealers & manufacturers w/out cause.
* Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006) The problem with the inner cities is not firearms, guns do not make people kill each other. I carry a gun 5-6 days a week I have yet to even think about drawing my gun on someone, let alone firing it at someone. The problems with inner cites are far deeper than just guns. Children aren't being educated, parents aren't doing their jobs, just a general breakdown of morals (maybe that is what
but also problem of morality means)
* Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004) This "assault weapons ban" is absurd the things they ban was stuff like pistol grips on long guns & magazines that hold more than 10 bullets. Guns are like drugs it doesn't matter if you make them illegal people still get them. (I am not saying I am for legalizing drugs just an example)
* Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998) I am really against this because I love my semi-automatic handguns. For a non-personal reason I have seen guys shoot revolvers & non-semi-auto guns just as fast if not faster than semi-autos check youtube.
* Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005) Frivolous lawsuits in general (in my opinion) are part of the downfall of our society. Again guns don't kill people, none of my guns have ever turned on me & put a hole in me.
John McCain is certainly stronger than Barack Obama, but is still weak in some spots.
* I know how to use guns; but I don't own one. (Nov 2007) That's ok not everyone needs to own a gun (on a side note Switzerland issues every able bodied man a rifle & trains them how to use it, ever heard of Switzerland being attacked Hitler certainly left them alone)
* Prosecute criminals, not citizens for gun ownership. (Sep 2007) Agreed
* Don't hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes. (Sep 2007) Agreed & explained why above.
* Opposes restrictions on assault weapons and ammunition types. (Sep 2007) Agreed & explained why above.
* Calls for GOP "tolerance" of closing gun show loopholes. (May 2002) For me this is another feel good law I can go on & there are over 1000 guns for sale by private citizens whether I meet them at the gun show or at their house what is the difference.
* Ban cheap guns; require safety locks; for gun show checks. (Aug 1999) Another feel good law safety locks are easy to bypass, why shouldn't people that can't afford an expensive gun be able to protect themselves? Gun show checks not sure what these are, I have bought a gun at a gun show from a vendor there (mistake I will never make again gun was a piece of crap) I had to go through the same background check as I do when I buy one at a gun shop.
* Supports ban on certain assault weapons. (Aug 1999) Interested to know which "assault weapons" I most likely disagree no matter what they are though.
* Voted against Brady Bill & assault weapon ban. (Aug 1999) Agreed a lot
* Guns are a problem, but so are violent web sites & videos. (Aug 1999) Disagree guns aren't the problem we've been over this websites & videos/video games is a whole other topic for a whole other email.
* Punish criminals who abuse 2nd Amendment rights. (May 1999) Agreed
* Youth Violence Prevention Act restricts guns for kids. (May 1999) Don't know the extent of it, I think our children should be educated about guns so that if they happen upon one they know what to do with it instead of pointing it at friends & pulling the trigger. I have a story about my kids finding a bb gun (not at my house) but it is kinda long. The end of the story is this my children came running to me & said we found a gun they didn't touch it they didn't play with it they have been educated they know that they don't touch guns without an adult present. They have fired multiple firearms & know the power in them.
* Repeal existing gun restrictions; penalize criminal use. (Jul 1998) Don't know a lot about it so no comment but it sounds great.
* Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005) Agreed
* Voted YES on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004) Not the same thing?
* Voted NO on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999) Looks like he flip flopped on this one, been over it though.
* Voted YES on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999) We need to enforce the ones we have because they aren't working as is.
* Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999) Looks like he flip flopped on this one been over it though. again
* Voted YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998) Looks like he flip flopped on this one been over it though and again.
* Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC. (Mar 2007) I am against the all out ban of guns in any city & was glad to hear that the supreme court overturned said ban Washington DC is one of the most dangerous cities in our country coincidence that you couldn't (still questionable to be honest) own a handgun there.
* Allow firearms in National Parks. (Feb 2008) There are bears in National parks why can't I carry a gun there?
Our founding fathers put the 2nd amendment in the constitution for a reason, it keeps our government in check, it helps secure our country. Most important it allows us to protect our families from those that would harm them. There are evil people in this world, my children's biological parents are some of them. I don't expect everyone to own guns, if you don't it doesn't mean you love your children any less. It's just how I feel. I try really hard not to shove my gun opinions down other people's throats, I just don't want them taking them away. Hope this explains stuff & makes sense I was battling 2 little girls trying to get them to bed while writing it.